Have the life you want, doing what you love...
without burning out along the way.
Nice to meet you! I'm Molly, a long-time entrepreneur with a silly sense of humor.
As the mildly extroverted half of the Two Offer Experts, I help business owners (coaches, service businesses & course creators) sort out their programs, stop undercharing (or charging for their time), and my favorite: create awesome high-ticket offers that are easy to sell.
Make more in less time, have a greater impact and enjoy a life you love, with time for what matters most.

Right now you might be relying on selling tons and tons of your current programs & offers...
Always a race to get more and more and more people to get in touch or get on your list and in your funnels.
You know what would be awesome?
To be able to do make what you make now, from a very small group of people.
It's an awesome skill to have - and one you can always fall back on when you need to...
OR maybe you already have a high-ticket program (like a mastermind or coaching program) that you wish you could get more people into.
These are our superpowers and we're super excited to help you go from where you are now... always struggling to get enough people every single month... to making 2x as much in 1/2 the time.
Even as soon as next month.
Next up, get in touch and tell us all about you...

Meet Molly… at your own risk!
(written by Jason... who you will also meet below.)
This is your last chance to stop, turn around and forget you ever started reading this.
If you continue, it's all on you and we promise your life will never be the same again.
If you like the way your business and life is, she isn’t for you because getting to know Molly will change your life… for the better! ☀️
(Some people just enjoy misery and if that's you, you're definitely in the wrong place.)
Molly is a serious nerd when it comes to understanding why people do what they do and what they value in programs they buy.
She has piles of books about marketing psychology, marketing behavior, and personality science.
The thing she really likes to collect are business owners. She helps them make hard-to-believe amounts of money, while working with people that appreciate them and get great results.
These people often become her valued friends. She does this helping them understand their audence and then by using that intel to craft the exact sentences to say. Words so persuasive that buying becomes their idea and desire.
Molly is happy and funny, easy to get along with and ultra caring and helpful... and lovingly direct when needed.
She loves traveling, scuba diving and carefree days going to unique coffee shops.
She has three entrepreneurially minded kiddos (10, 12 and 15) who love hearing all about business, marketing, psychology and launches.
And final thing to know: she has spent 12 years has had the joy of teaching thousands of other fun and creative entrepreneurs how to put together better programs, sell more comfortably (and sell MORE)... making more money, having more impact, and working LESS.
Then, getting it all down to a science, so you can do the same thing.

Meet Jason… at your own risk!
And now for the introvert half... (written by Molly)
Jason and I have run businesses together since 2001... even the short time that I ran a wedding planning business (not always a guy thing to do), he was there helping with marketing, emails, and anything to do with words or cameras.
CAMERAS are one of his love languages... he loves wildlife photography (underwater scuba photography is his fave), probably as much as he loves writing emails or picking apart someone else's sales page copy.
One of Jason's superpowers is asking questions. He's an amazing interviewer, always having insight into things that no one even thought to say.
(Which is also great because I love answering questions. And most people love talking about themselves... while Jason would rather learn about you!)
An amazing copy writer and marketing campaign designer... but also an awesome dad who loves to play.
He has also spent the same dozen-plus years helping entrepreneurs make more money while loving their businesses more and more... without burning out.
He loves helping people with their boundaries, sticking with their "genius zone" things that they love doing, and having more time off to travel or spend time with their families... since that's always our personal values in life & business as well: freedom.

What this all means for you is...
We've been where you are! So we get it.
Working too hard, having now "work/life balance", stressed and doing constant things to try to get more people in our programs.
And what we love most is spending time with our kids all over the world.
What we love second most is helping the people we do our best work for:
Entrepreneurs who want to make a bigger impact (and income) without sacrificing the freedoms that made them start their business in the first place.

Here's what to do...
Molly here again.
So... it’s embarrassing to say, but my first launch back in 2011 did $0. ZERO DOLLARS.
I did eventually get my online business going well, teaching people to do the very things I WASN'T DOING.. creating high-value, high-ticket offers and making more in less time.
Things went on successfully (multiple 6 figures/year) for a long time, even though I wasn't following my own advice.
But it was at the expense of my sanity and at the cost of the freedoms that I started the business to enjoy.
I was undercharging big time, which meant I needed LOTS of clients.
I over-delivered by doing things that weren't even included, just to make people happy, or because I was just too nice.
The stress was intense, hoping for the next attempt to succeed enough to pay the bills for the month.
Then a funny thing happened…
I almost died.
Okay, now we can laugh about it. I'm not sure what that means about our sense of humor... but...
In the process of going through a terrible health scare (cancer), I more than doubled my income from one year to the next.
Breaking records and getting awards and changing even more lives than ever.
The way I got there was something I didn’t see coming…
- Changing my health habits so I stayed alive & my mind was more clear.
- Having time to read tons of books while I recovered.
- A determination to fix the thing that made me literally sick: working too much because I wasn't following my own advice.
- Clear ideas & plans (because now my brain worked better!) for some of the greatest offers I've ever created.
I have a reputation for coming up with SUPER fun, creative offers that people couldn't live without...
Ranging from $5k-50k+ each...
Doing 5 and 6 figure launches, even to super tiny lists of people.
Attracting exactly who we want.
And more importantly: I have had the join of helping thousands of other people get more of the people they want & the income they want... and work less.
Do it simple, do it quickly, and feel great about it.
So what's next?
Now it's your turn... so tell me all about you...

Get the free PDF Download:
"How to Create Truly Awesome High-Ticket Offers"